Typed as written – Lena Stone Criswell




Thirty-First Year – Number 48

Marlin, Texas, Friday, June 26,1931




One Sample of Each Type Will BeDisplayed on Plates Properly Labeled.


 One sample of each soil in Falls county will be displayed onplates and properly labeled at the Rosebud American Legion fair July 3 and 4,M.W. Beck, government surveyor now making a soil survey of this county,announces.


Dealing with soil, sub-soil and parent material, thisdisplay will let everybody see all of the different soils in the county.


With the exhibit will be displayed maps and reports alreadypublished and available on Bell and Milam counties and any informationdiscovered in these and other counties and has been published will be availableas information on the same soils in Falls county.


The United States bureau of chemistry and soils had arepresentative soil exhibit of six-foot sections undisturbed from various partsof the country, including several from Texas, at the sequecentennial exhibitionin Philadelphia.  However, this displayat Rosebud will be the third soil exhibit ever shown at a community fair in thecountry, Mr. Beck states.


Anyone desiring soil survey maps and reports on variouscounties in Texas or any other state, which are now available for freedistribution, may register and these reports will be sent free of charge.


The display has been madepossible through courtesy of A.B.Connor of the Texas A & M. Collegeextension station, a former Rosebud resident, and Dr. H. G. Knight, chief ofthe bureau of chemistry and soils at Washington.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and hervolunteers for printing by The Marlin Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Tx.