Typed by Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     Monday, November 2, 1936

Quarterly Conference of
Methodist Church Held
Reports Indicate One of Best Year's
Experienced In any - Organization
Expected at Sunday
Night Meeting.

    The fourth quarterly conference of the First Methodist church was held by the presiding elder, Rev. N. H. Melbert, at the close of the preaching services Sunday night.
    Fine reports were heard from all departments of the church, and Rev. Melbert said that the reports indicated that the church has had the best year that it has had in many years.
    At the close of the morning service the pastor, Rev. L. Bowman Craven, administered sacrament to one of the largest numbers in the history of the church.
    About 105 children and young people were present at the morning service.
    The following ______ were nominated and elected ______the quartile conference:
    Board of Stewards For 1936-1937.
    Dr. J. W. Torbett, W. T. Betts, Jimmie Skinner, R. C. Burieson, O. N. Campbell, P. E. Campbell, B. G. Dreyer, S. W. Osborne, C. R. Eddins, C. B. Eskridge, Paul Fischer, Walter Fischer, C. R. Glass, L. E. Barrow, Quincy Barnes, H. L. Cobb, Jr., J. L. Keeling, J. W. Hoke, Louis Hoting, H. W. Koenig, H. J. McIlhany, Aaron McKnight, Dr. H. O. Smith, Dr. J. W. Torbett, Jr., W. Pierce Williams, Allen A. Agnew, W. W. Denard.


     Dr. J. W. Torbett, B. J. Linthicum, Z. W. Bartlett, R. C. Burleson, G. H. Olinger, and J. L. Kelling.

Board of Education.

    W. T. Betts, Mrs. Henrietta Signor, Mrs. A. C. Tucker, Mrs. J. W. Bartlett, and George Collier, Jr.

Officers of Church School.

    General Superintendent -- Pierce Williams.
    Division Superintendents -- Children's Division, Mrs. M. A. Dowis; Young People's Division, Mrs. J. W. Morgan; Adult Division, J. W. Hoke.

Missionary Committee.

    No. 1 -- Mrs. Henrietta Signor, P. E. Campbell, H. J. McIlhany.
    No. 2 -- Miss Mary Towers, H. W. Coenig, Mrs. F. Walters.
    No. 3 -- Dr. H. O. Smith, Mrs. Oscar Torbett, Mrs. C. R. Eddins.

Golden Cross Directors.

    Mrs. Z. W. Bartlett, Miss Roberta Falconer, Mrs. Dan Harlan, Mrs. O. C. Young.


NOTE: Part of this paper has a hole in the middle and I have left a blank on what should have been there.

H. J. McIlhany is spelled McILHANY. kc

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.