Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     Friday Morning, March 27, 1931

Annual Meeting Held by
Presbyterian Auxiliary
Officers Installed in Preparation For
Beginning of New Year's
    Holding its annual session at the First Presbyterian church Monday afternoon, the Woman's Auxiliary of that church closed its year's work.

    After being called to order by Mrs. J. M. Fullinwider, the retiring president, members joined in silent prayer while "Lead kindly Light" was played softly.  Mrs. A. H. Snead conducted devotional, her theme being "Joint Heirs With Christ."
    A business session featured by committee reports followed.
    Mrs. Fullinwider delivered the president's message, carrying out the idea of a treasure chest, work accomplished by officers and secretaries of causes being cited as the treasures.
    Officers for the coming year were installed by Dr. W. H. Matthews, the pastor.  Opening with the song, "Open my Eyes That I May See," the impressive service emphasized consecration to service of the Lord.  Mrs. J. E. Vann gave the closing prayer.
    The officers are Mrs. W. R. Manor, president; Mrs. H. H. Robertson, vice president' Mrs. J. H. Barnett, treasure; Mrs. E. M. Dodson, secretary; and secretaries of causes, foreign missions, Mrs. N. R. Nichols; assembly's missions, Mrs. J. T. Somervell; spiritual life, Mrs. W. H. Matthews; S. and P. missions, Mrs. H. S. Garrett; christian education and ministerial relief, Mrs. J. E. Johnston; religious education, Mrs. W. S. Smith; christian social service, Mrs. J. J. Gallaher; pastor's aid, Mrs. W. G. Dunkum; orphan work, Mrs. L. J. Davis; Battle Memorial, Mrs. J. A. Dunkum; circle chairmen, No. 1, Mrs. G. S. Buchanan; No. 2, Mrs. O. R. De Ford; No. 3, Mrs. La Fayette Harlan; No. 4, Mrs. A. H. Snead; Business and Professional Women, Mrs. Cecil Glass; and circle, Mrs. M. C. Peyton.
    The total amount of money raised by the auxiliary during the past year was $1630, this sum being applied to benevolences and other activities.
    The auxiliary will start its work for the new year on April 6, that being the next meeting scheduled for the organization.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.