Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Forty-First Year - Number 84
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931


Social Hour Follows First Such
Meeting Beginning New
Church Year.

Holding its first regular business session of the new church year, the Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church met at the church Monday afternoon with a good attendance.  Mrs. W. R. Manor, new president, presided.

"Christ, For the World, we Sing," was the opening song.  During the devotional session, Mrs. W. S. Smith outlined plans for devotionals during the coming year.  They will comprise a presentation of Christ in the form of a world tour, it was explained.  James 1:22 was the key verse used.  This period was closed with prayer.

Chairmen and assignment of members for new circles during the coming year were announced and recommendations of the executive committee were adopted.

It was decided to give the balance on hand in the treasury to assembly mission causes in this presbytery.

The meeting was adjourned with Mizpah benediction and a social hour followed during which punch and sandwiches were served with members (missing) circle No. 4 of the past year as hostesses.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
By The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.