Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     Thursday, May 28, 1931
Three Members Added to
Otto Club Roster

   To The Democrat:
       The monthly meeting of the Demonstration Club of Otto was held Wednesday, May 20 at the of Mrs. Monte Leuschner.  Three new members were added to the roll.  They were Mesdames Horace Griffin,  E. B. Harrison, and Tommie Brooks.  Two visitors were present, Miss Stella Forke and Mrs. Reichert.
      Miss Jacks lectured on the grading and canning of vegetables.  She canned four cans of English peas and one can of carrots.
      The club adjourned to meet the third week in June ant the St. John church.  All members are urged to be present and all visitors welcome.
                                                               Club Reporter

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.