Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty First Year - Number 14
Marlin, Texas, Monday, May 18, 1931


       Honoring Miss Maurine Olinger, popular bride-elect, Mrs. E. L. Keeling entertained Saturday afternoon.
       Sweetpeas and roses were used effectviely (sic) in decorations, four tables being arranged for bridge.  The bridal motif was emphasized in tallies.
       At the conclusion of an interesting series of games, Mrs. E. J. Parton received high score award and Miss Nell Torion of Waco cut consolation, both presenting lovely tokens awarded them to teh honoree.
       The climax came in a kitchen shower, Miss Mary Goodrich entertaining drawing a red wagon laden with attractive gifts for the honor guest.
       An appetizing two-course plate was served.


       Miss Elizabeth Fullinwider entertained with four tables of bridge Friday afternoon, honoring Miss Olinger.
       A color scheme of white and green was carried out in the appointments with sweetpeas and fern centering each table, while the rooms were decorated with beautiful spring flowers.
       The honoree was recipient of a lovely gift.


       Miss Olinger was named honoree at a dinner given Friday evening by Miss Odessa Johnson.
       Crystal decorations adorned the table with a colonial bouquet at the honor guest's place, presented by Miss Elizabeth Ann Johnson.  The honoree also received a lovely piece of silver from the hostess.
       Attractive flowers were used in the room decorations.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.