Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year -  Number 234
Tuesday, February 2, 1932

Hotels Reflect Interest in
New Falls County Strike
Near This

Marlin is rapidly becoming the center for interest in the new Falls
county oil field near here, whose discovery was heralded with bringing in of a well by C. C. Curtis and associates on the Gurley farm owned by Lee Davis Saturday night.

Marlin hotel registers Monday night reflected the attention which the new strike is attracting among members of the oil fraternity over the state.

Visitors to the field Monday afternoon reported many people in that section, with cars bearing names of some of the major companies noted, indication that their representatives were on the scene.

Some negotiating was reported under way early for acreage in the vicinity, and with development of these transactions announcements for putting down of additional wells are expected.

Map Demand Reported

Maps, the mark of an oil field, were reported in demand as those interested in the new strike looked over the situation.  These were readily available in Marlin, having been provided at the time of the bringing in of wells in teh Postoak field a few miles south of the new producer.

As deals are closed for acreage in that section, Marlin abstract offices are expected to become scenes of increased activity, while the city generally is looking forward to prospective benefits from effects of oil field development.

First Well Showed Oil.

Inspection of the first well drilled on the Davis lease prior to the bringing in of the new producer about 1000 feet southeast of the initial location was said to have developed today that it still shows evidence of the oil showing encountered at that time.

A representative of the oil and gas division of the Texas railroad commission was reported to have visited the field today, obtaining a log and sample of oil from the new well.

Visitors to the field reported a grade being thrown up for location of the storage tanks.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.