Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

Note: Date unknown




Marlin, Texas


W. M. M. C.


     Miss Myrtle Smith was hostess to the musical club at its weekly meeting

Wednesday afternoon.

     The lesson, led by Miss Dupree, was on the life of John Sebastian Bach.

It proved to be quite interesting.

     The Christmas reception for the club was discussed and a committee

composed of Mrs. Lillie Levi and Misses Clarkson and Dupree were appointed on

arrangement for same.

     The musical numbers of the program consisted of a piano duet by Misses

Louise Finks and Bertha Frank.

     Mrs. B. C. Nettles announced a linen shower to be given at her residence

on Saturday afternoon at 3:30 to Miss Conoly whose wedding is soon to take


     The guests of the club were Misses Carruthers of Weatherford, McLendon

of Bryan and Rainey of Mexico. Miss Rainey favored the club with some piano


     The hostess served a two course luncheon after which he club adjourned

to meet next with Mrs. J. W. Torbett.