Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     Friday Morning, March 27, 1931

Mooreville Entries in
League Contests Given
Robinson P. T. A. Members Present
Play at Mooreville

    The following pupils have been selected to represent our school in the declamation contest to be held at the Interscholastic League at Chilton this month: Effie Collier, senior girl; Harlen Johnson, senior boy; Young Pool, alternate; Curtis Byrd, junior boy; and Bernice Gummelt, junior girl; Johnnie Upchurch, alternate.
    Edna Ruth McClain and Helen Purgerson will represent the fifth grade in the picture memory contest.  
    Our boys went to Cottonwood for a game of baseball Thursday afternoon.  The scores were 14 - 4 in favor of Cottonwood.
    The Robinson P. T. A. members presented the play, "Always In Trouble," at our school Friday night.
    Our local P. T. A. organization will meet at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the schoolhouse.  All members are urged to be present, for officers are to be chosen for the ensuing year.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.