Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year -  Number 234
Tuesday, February 2, 1932

George Washington Party Planned
February 22 and Committee

Plans for a George Washington party February 22 were made at the regular February business session of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Methdist church in the church Monday afternoon and a committee was appointed to work out plans with Mrs. W. E. Johnson, chairman.  An unusually large number of members attended.

Mrs. Henrietta Signor, president, read a message from the 20th chapter of John, the application being an appeal to each member to bring one other church member into active work of the society.

Circle chairmen were requested to report to pastors in charge of charity work calls from needy.

Mrs. J. J. Thompson, treasurer, gave a detailed report of expenditures during the past year.  The treasurer was authorized to give each circle $5 from the balance on hand at the close of 1931, this to be used as the circle desires.

"Woman's Citizenship Responsibility" was the subject of the lesson presented by Mrs. E. L. Ingrum.

Mesdames W. E. Johnson and O. N. Campbell gave a duet, "In my Heart There Rings a Melody."

The session was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. I. F. Betts.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.