Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham
NOTE: I only know that this paper was from December 1931.  I do not know the day.  I believe it to be after the 25th.kc

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     December 1931

Couple Observe Golden
Wedding Anniversary

    Celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mires of Marlin, who were married 50 years ago Tuesday, had most of their children and grand children present for the event.
    They are parents of two sons, J. T. Mires of Mexia and J. D. Mires of Marlin, and two daughters, Mesdames M. A. Bletsch of Tyler and Ernest Cadenhead of Longview, and 11 grand children.
    Mrs. Mires, formerly Miss Kate Burgess is a native of Falls county, while Mr. Mires was born in Mississippi.  They were married a few miles east of Marlin December 29, 1881, by the late Judge Alex Frazier.  The marriage license was issued by the late C. H. Bartlett, deputy under J. W. Watkins, who was Falls county clerk at the time.
    Mesdames M. A. Bletsch and children of Tyler and Ernest Cadenhead of Longview came to Marlin several days ago on a Christmas holiday visit and remained for the wedding anniversary celebration, returning to their today.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.