Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 55
Marlin, Texas, Monday, July 6, 1931

Nearby Events Attract Many, In-
cluding Rosebud Fair and
Perry Picnic.

       Marlin generally celebrated the Fourth of July, most of the business houses and offices being closed for the day.
       No formal program was held here, ex-service men having staged their fishfry on the Brazos Friday, but many people observed the day informally with motor jaunts, fishing trips and outings, while numerous
out of town visitors were guests of relatives and friends in Marlin homes during the weekend.
       County seat celebrations in adjoining counties were Meccas of those who chose to roam afar from the day's enjoyment.

Events Held in County.

       However, the majority of those who made out of town trips motored to Rosebud where the second day's program of the annual two-day American Legion fair was held, or to Perry where the Business Men's Club staged a delightful picnic.
       The Perry event drew a large crowd of people who spent the afternoon enjoying music by the A. R. Scheef band, a baseball game between Reagan and Perry, and numerous other entertainment features.
       Rosebud also drew a large crowd Saturday afternoon, the Brodie Lee Caywood legion post representing various attractions and displays on and about the block on which the city hall is located, one of the exhibits being composed of Falls county soils in charge of M. W. Beck, who is making a government soil survey of the county.
       Included in the exhibits at Rosebud were cows, hogs and poultry, field and garden crops, canned goods and needlework from the farm homes of that section.  An address by Congressman O. H. Cross featured Friday's program, while music by the Rosebud band and other entertainment features were provided.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.