Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham




The Daily Democrat
Thirty-First Year  Number 181
Marlin, Texas  Wednesday, December 2, 1931
Health Resort News

      Mrs. H. A. james of Franklin underwent an operation in a Marlin hospital Sunday morning.
      Mrs. W. W. Wilcox of Franklin, who was wonded by an accidential discharge form a shotgun last week, underwent an operation and blood transfusion Sunday morning.  Her condition is reported much improved.
      Elmo Burside, 15 year old son of J. T. Burnside of Franklin, is doing well following and operation Friday.
      W. T. Sprague, 13 year old son of W. T. Sprague of Reagan, underwent an operation in Marlin this week.
      Mrs. Eugene Field of Calvert is under treatment in a Marlin hospital.
      Mrs. R. M. Duffey of Hearne has been under treatment in Marlin for the past few days.
      Mrs. E. C. Young of Kosse has been under treatment in Marlin for the past week.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.