Typed as spelled and
written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 135
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 7, 1931


Other Matters Receive Attention at
Session of Board of Managers
in Marlin.

Invitation of Georgetown to hold the 1932 spring meeting of the 9th district Parent-Teacher Associations there was accepted by unanimous vote of the board of managers of the organization at its session in Marlin Tuesday.

The Texas Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations was represented at sessions, held in the lecture room of the Majestic-Annex hotel, by Mrs. Fred Porter of Temple, state chairman of High School Associations, who made a talk on program building.

A resolutions committee was named composed of Mrs. A. L. Lee of McGregor, Mrs. Conway Anderson of Calvert and Mrs. Hilsman of Hearne.

Mrs. W. H. Parsons, president of the city P.T. A. Council of Waco, gave a talk on "The Study Group," while Mrs. Fred Robinson of Waco, district publicity chairman, made a practical talk on publicity.

Mrs. E. H. Becker of Brenham spoke on the P. T.A. correspondence course, her talk being followed by a round table discussion.

Luncheon was served at the Majestic-Annex hotel, Mrs. A. C. Hornbeck favoring the assembly with two saxophone selections with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Hubert Portele.

Mrs. W. W. Walker of Satin presented a plea for life memberships and Mrs. Talbert of China Springs was elected 9th district chairman of recreation.

The amendments and the program of the state convention in San Antonio November 10 were discussed.

Talks were made by several county council presidents, including Mrs. J. L. Ellis of Bell, Mrs. Lynn Kennedy of McLennan, Mrs. Curry of Robertson, Mrs. Becker of Washington, and Mrs. W. S. Hunnicutt of Falls, all of whom gave interesting reports.

Mrs. Parsons of the Waco city council gave an outline of their year's work.

A school of instruction was held by Mrs. Ben Boydstun of Waco, 9th district parliamentarian, at which members of the Falls County Demonstration Club Council were invited guests.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.