Typed as Spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 56
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, July 7, 1931


County Agent Requests All Planning to Attend to Advise Him if Possible

Monday, July 13, will be Falls county day at the agricultural experiment station at Temple states Dan Clinton, county farm agent, who invites all farmers of the county and others interested to make the trip there with a delegation on that day.

The Falls county visitors will be shown through both stations and have explained to them what is being accomplished there.

Senator Tom Connally of Marlin is expected to head the delegation.  Assembling at the courthouse in Marlin at eight a.m. Monday, the party will proceed by way of Lott at 8:30 a.m., Rosebud at 9 a.m., Barclay at 9:30 a.m. and will reach Temple around 10 a.m.  Anyone desiring to join them en route may do so at any of these points.

Lunch will be served the members of the Falls county delegation at the Temple stations at a nominal price, the county agent says, and in order that they may know about how many to prepare for, he requests all planning to make the trip to let him know in advance, if possible.

Others Interested Invited and All Requested to Bring Basket Lunch.

Falls county demonstration club women will hold an all day rally at the Marlin Country Club Friday, July 10, to which all others interested are invited.  Everyone attending is requested to bring a basket lunch.

Mrs. W. D. Walker of Satin, vice chairman of the county council, will call the assembly to order Friday morning and Cecil Glass, Marlin Chamber of Commerce president, will extend greetings.  Music will be supplied by A. R. Scheef's orchestra and Dr. W. H. Matthews, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Marlin, will lead group singing.  Miss Lois Souther, county superintendent, will speak.  Introduction of club officers will be the final feature before lunch is served.

At the afternoon session, Miss Onah Jacks, county agent, will give a demonstration on food storage.  A talk on yard improvement, readings, games and stunts are other features.

Marlin and Trinity Delegates to Have Active Part in Session.

Rev. G. J. Beyer, pastor of Grace Lutheran church of Marlin; Rev. E.A. Heckman, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church northeast of here; Th. Bethke, principal of Trinity school, and B. T. Fenske, lay delegte of Trinity church, left today for Giddings to attend the annual state convention of the Missouri synod Lutheran church, which opens Wednesday and continues in session through next Tuesday.

Rev. Heckmann, vice president, will serve as chairman of the laymen's committee, while Rev. Beyer is a member of the committee on young people's work.

Mr. Bethke is on the committee on educational matters and Mr. Fenske is on the committee on finances.

Secretary of Chamber of Commerce to Attend National Institute

At the July meeting of the members of the board of directors of the Marlin Chamber of Commerce Monday night the following proceedings were had:

Rev. F. P. Goddard presented the situation of the Boy Scout activities in Marlin and the matter was generally discussed by the directors with an apparent opinion that the Chamber of Commerce as an organization should not involve itself in controversial matters of other local defined organizations, it was stated.

The secretary was permitted to leave Marlin the latter part of July in order to attend the national institute in Evanston, Ill., after he has completely prepared the details of the Chamber of Commerce work and files preparatory to the August business details.

Miss Jimmie Coleman expressed appreciation to the board of directors and the Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity allowed her to attend the Texas Commercial Executives Association meeting in Houston.

A similar expression was made by the secretary, who announced his election as secretary of the Texas Commercial Executives Association.

A letter of appreciation for the method, preparation and presentation of a detailed report of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce convention activities to the East Texas Chamber of Commerce from Hubert Harrison was presented, which complimented the Chamber of Commerce on the manner of handling the convention and preparation of the report.

A request from the county agent, Dan Clinton, was presented to the board urging their co-operation and attendance at the Falls county day at the state experimental station in Temple on July 13.  Members of the board were urged to attend and endeavor to assist in taking a large delegation to this meeting at that time."
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Marlin Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Tx.