Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-Ninth Year - Number 159
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 8, 1939
Is First To Be Held -- Eleven
Members And Sponsor To Meet
Every Sunday Night.

       The first meeting of the Epworth League was held Sunday night, November 5, at the Methodist church, with eleven members and Miss Claudie Godwin, the sponsor.
       With Thomas Houser serving as chairman, the following officers were elected:  Mary Baxter, president; Frances Fariss, vice-president; Naomi Pyles, secretary; Thomas Houser, treasurer and Evelyn Steed and Marion Pierce, program chairmen.
       From now on the league will meet every Sunday night at 6:30 and they will welcome any new members.
       They plan to have a social every month and in working toward this they have appointed a social committee consisting of Frances Fariss, Helen Jeannette Roberts, and Thomas Houser.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.