Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Forty-First year - Number 84
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931


Nineteen Present  and All Eager to
Join--Officers Chosen--More
Members Expected

To the Democrat:

The ladies of the Alto Springs community met April 3 with Mrs. John Allen for the purpose fo organizing a Demonstration Club. There were nineteen present and all were eager to join.  The members are:

Mrs. John Allen, president; Mrs. Lonnie Kennedy, vice president; Mrs. Duke Curry, secretary-treasurer, also council delegate; Mrs. R. L. Allen, reporter; Mrs. Oscar Kelley, Mrs. Penick, Mrs. Vick White, Mrs. Jack Shyrie, Mrs. Will Matthews, Mrs. George Lyons, Mrs. Bob Hollingsworth, Mrs. George Warren, Mrs. Ollie Lloyd, Mrs. Docia Springfield, Mrs. George Stone and Mrs. Lee Dqvis.  We are expecting several more members, and we want to urge those who were not at this meeting to be sure and be present at the next one, which will be with Mrs. R. L. Allen April 17.

Delegates attended the meeting in Marlin, April 7, and reported a very interesting time.

Our gardens are growing nicely now since we have had a few days of pretty sunshine, therefore, we are planning to can lots of vegetables, fruits, etc., as Miss Jacks advised.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.