Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 88
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, August 13, 1931


Miss Jacks Expected to be Present at
Meeting September 8.

To The Democrat:
       With Mrs. Geo. Chapman, hostess the Chilton Ladies' Demonstration Club met Tuesday afternoon, August 11.  Mrs. M. M. Eakin presided.
       The club turned in detailed reports of canning:  Mrs. Lonzo Whitt was our delegate to the A. and M. Short Course.  Every phase of farm life was reported in a most instructive manner, so that every member felt that she had missed the treat of her life by not being present in person.
       It was decided to have a social August 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the of Mrs. Claude Maxey.
       The refreshment committee is composed of Mrs. Will Earls, Mrs. Gus Farris and Mrs. Lonzo Whitt.
       The committee on entertainment is Mrs. Earl Maxey, Mrs. Tom Burke and Mrs. T. J. Adams.
       It was decided to have a parliamentary drill the first meeting of each month.  Mrs. Roy Levy was elected parliamentarian.
       We decided to have a booth at the fair to be given in Marlin in October and the committee to arrange the exhibits and collect them is composed of the following ladies:  Mrs. Tom Burke, Mrs. Will Earls, Mrs. Claude Maxey and Lonzo Whitt.
       Our meeting for September 8 will be in the of Mrs. Tom Burke.  At this time will have with us Miss Onah Jacks our demonstration agent.
                                  Mrs. T. J. Adams, Reporter.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.