Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 214
Marlin Texas, Saturday, January 9, 1932

Reports on Christmas Tree and Donation
to Orphans Heard
at Meeting

Application for standard of excellence rating again  during the coming year was authorized for the First Baptist Sunday school by the Workers Council at its regular January session at the church Friday night.  The Sunday school has held this distinction for a number of years and a survey of the requirements indicates it is qualified for continuance
of such rating

Eighteen officers and teachers attended the meeting, roll call showed.
Mrs. R. L. Norwood led in teh opening prayer.

Mrs. J. Oltorf reported on the Christmas tree programs for children of the primary, beginners and cradle roll departments, while Rev. S. D. Dollahite announced the church had forwarded $300 to Buckner Orphans' at Dallas, including the Sunday school donation.

The pastor urged the members of the council to attend prayer meeting, also appealing that budget payments be kept up among members of the Sunday school by use of the envelope system.  Attention was called to the fact that March is study course month.

Department reports read by the various superintendents reflected effect of unfavorable weather during the past month compared with the preceding month.

The closing prayer was led by Ralph Beard.

Officers and teachers of the intermediate department served refreshments.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.