Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham


The Daily Democrat
Thirty-First Year Number 181
Marlin, Texas Tuesday, December 1, 1931
Bible Lessons Comprise
Baptist Circle Programs

     Bible lessons comprised programs presented at sessions of circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church held in homes of members Monday Afternoon.
     Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. D. H. Boyles, 10 members attending. Devotional based on Matthew 25:14 and a lesson from Matthew were conducted by Mrs. R. E. L. Tomlinson following the opening prayer by Mrs. S. D. Dollahite. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Sr.
     Members of Circle No. 2 assembled at the of Mrs. J. I. Collier with 13 in attendance. The lesson was conducted by Mrs. W. E. Hodges.
     Fifteen members attended a meeting of Circle No. 3 in the of Mrs. V. E. Hackel. The devotional and Bible lesson were in charge of Mrs. W. E. Kyser.
Mrs. W. E. Hunnicutt was hostess to Circle No. 4, 11 members attended the session. The lesson was presented by Mrs. Eugene Smith.
     Dorcas Circle met with Mrs. Marcus Criswell, 14 members being present. One new member was welcomed and a visitor was in attendance Mrs. G. L. Hutchings led the devotional and Mrs. P. A. Lindsay conducted a lesson from Royal Service. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Gene Herring.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.