Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 170
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 18, 1931


Judge at Recent Falls County Legion
Fair One of Speakers
on Program.

Plans are going forward for the annual convention of the Texas Baby Chick Association, to be held at the Gunter hotel, San Antonio, November 23 and 24, states Dan Clinton, Falls county farm agent.  An interesting, educational and entertainment program of value to Texas poultymen and hatcherymen, farmers, as well as hatcherymen from this section are urged to attend.

Practical discussion of poultry problems will feature the two (missing) program.  Dr. D. H. Reid, who judged poultry exhibits at the Falls county Legion fair in Marlin, R. M. Sherwood, E. N. Holmgreen, Paul A. Cunyus, poultry experts from the Texas A. and M. College, and other recognized national poultry authorities, have accepted places on the program.

An entertainment program, including sight seeing tours of the Alamo City, luncheons and banquets, is being arranged.  Local arrangements are in charge of V. F. Taylor, editor of the Southwestern Poultry Journal, and for the past five years manager of the Southwest National Egg Laying Council.

A. H. Demke of El Paso is president of the baby chick association, and Mrs. T. J. Clark of Gainesville is secretary.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.