Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham


Marlin, Texas Friday, June 19, 1931

Around About Marlin
and Falls County

R. F. Higgins, who for the past months has been in Tyler in the East Texas oil fields, returned this week. "Conditions are unsettled and unsatisfactory," he said Thursday. "The immense field produces more oil than the refineries can use and crude prices are lower than they have been in history. Some of it cannot be sold at any price. This has resulted in low prices of leases, especially those of which off-set wells must be drilled. Leases and royalties which a few years ago were worth fortunes, are being sold, or offered for sale, today at unbelievably low prices."


Mrs. Higgins and children have been visiting relatives in Huntsville.


A man giving his name as Jack Dalton stood on Live Oak street Thursday claiming he was hungry and had not eaten for twenty-four hours. He said if was necessary to "panhandle" for food until he could get a job or make his way north where he hoped to find work in the wheat fields now being harvested. He said he lived in Polk county where he formerly worked on a farm.
"Crops are not doing well there," he said. "Need rain badly. Cotton is late, very small and with a bad stand. Corn practically lost as tassels came out when the stalks were only about three feet high due to lack of moisture. I had to get out or go hungry."
He got a quarter of a dollar for something to eat and agreed to continue his journey immediately.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.