Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

(Note: The front page is intact.Other pages are in pieces but are of the
same date as nearly as I can tell-lsc)

Thirty-First Year - Number 104
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, September 1, 1931

Inspect Cattle And Hog Breeder-
Feeder Stations And College
Dairy Herd.

       Cattle and hog feeder breeder stations and the dairy herd of A. and M. College of Texas at College Station, as well as other departments of the institution, were inspected by members of a delegation from Falls county Monday.
       The trip was arranged by Dan Clinton, county farm agent, others going including Perry Tomlinson of Marlin, Wm. and Geo. Ranly of Westphalia, S. S. Criddle, Neal Watkins and Sam Asbury of Wilderville, Max Winzer, A. G. Woodland, Alonzo Chamberlain and Marvin Cornelison of the Reagan and Blue Ridge section.
       Various experiments were visited.  One demonstration showed hogs fed on the ground gained a little less than a pound a day while those fed in self feeders gained 2 1/4 pounds per day, conditions being the same otherwise.  This was only one of numerous experiments, data on which were obtained by the visitors.
       The sire of the A. and M. College dairy herd was brought back by Mr. Cornelison, having been loaned to him for the next two years.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.