Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 52
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 20, 1907
Week of Prayer.

       W. F. M. Society are holding regular Thanksgiving services, beginning Monday, 18th, at 4 p.m., in the Methodist church, continuing at same hour through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


       Monday--Mrs. W. S. Conoly, leader.
       Thanksgiving and response service.
       A brief outline of the work accomplished by the W.F.M. Society in foreign fields.
       Tuesday--Mrs. Threadgill, leader.
       "China--Chinese Characteristics as Then and Now in China,"  "Our Missionaries in China," "Map Talk or Recitation."

       Wednesday--Mrs. Edwards, leader.
       Brazil and Mexico--"Our Schools and Our Missionaries in Brazil:"  " The Bible the Hope of Brazil," "The Obligations of the United States to Mexico;"  "What Have the Women of Our Church Done for Mexico?"
       "Our Missionaries and Their Work."

       Thursday--Mrs. J. W. Bartlett, leader.
       Korea, Cuba and Indian Territory--
       "What Effect Will the Late Change of Government Have on the Religious Conditions in Korea?"  "Schools and Missionaries of Woman's Board in Cuba;"  "Our Work Among the Indians."
       "What will you render unto the Lord for all His benefits?"

       All are invited; strangers and visitors will be most welcome and our Methodist women are needed and expected.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas