Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 44
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 23, 1907
New York Man Would Like to Spend
Winter Here.

       There is not a week passes but that some one in some far off section of this great country writes The Democrat for a sample copy of the paper or for special information concerning the hot water, baths, hotels, etc.  These letters demonstrate two propositions--first, that Marlin is known far as well as near for its wonderful waters; second, that many people who want to know will apply direct to the local newspaper for information regarding the community in which it is published.  As The Democrat is a pioneer in the development of Marlin as a health resort, we supply all such parties with the information they seek, if it is to be had.
       In the following case, the boarding and bath houses are requested to send their cards and other advertising matter to the gentleman at once:

       Sag Harbor, N. Y., Oct. 15, '07.
Editor Daily Paper,
       Marlin, Texas.

       Dear Sir:--Kindly send me any names you have of first-class boarding houses in your town, something in the line of private houses.  I am thinking some of spending the winter in Marlin; I don't feel that I could afford to go to the best hotels but would feel satisfied at a good private house.
       Also could you let me know how cold it gets in your place during the winter months, and any other information about the town would be greatly appreciated by                     Yours very truly,
                                                   J. A. King.
       P. S.--Are the baths open to the public, at regular rates, or only hotel guests?


Copyright permission granted to Theresa
and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas