Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 45
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 26, 1907
Union Meets in Marlin.
President Calls Delegated Conven-
tion for November 1st.

       To the members of the Farmers' E. & C. Union of Falls county:

       After advising with a majority of the executive committee of the Falls County Farmers' Union, we believe a well attended county convention would be of material interest and benefit to the union membership just now.
       In pursuance of this advice and belief, we hereby call the Falls County' Farmers' Union to meet, in delegated form, at Marlin, Friday, Nov 1st, at 10 o'clock sharp, and to remain in session till business is finished.
       If as many as seven places desire lecture work done and will notify me at once, I can arrange to supply them immediately after the county union or we could begin a week later.  Let me hear from the membership at once regarding lecture work.
       We insist that every member of the Farmers' Union that possibly can do so, should attend the county union Friday, November 1st.
                                                                 M. C. Fields.
Lott, Texas, Oct. 24.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas