Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell



Eighteenth year - Number 56

Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 4, 1907


Two Slight Derailments


Central and I. & G. N. Both Have

Train accidents.


    A Houston & Texas Central freight train had four cars to go into the ditch south of Bremond Friday night, according to unofficial reports received here.

    The extent of the damage to the freight trains could not be learned.  The north bound train was several hours late at Bremond and all mail from points south of Bremond was delayed.

    The I. & G. N. due here at 2:20 Friday afternoon was seven hours late due also to a slight "derailment" somewhere south of Marlin, the exact location being known only to the trainmen, the employes (sic) of the road, and the belated passengers.

    The heavy rains and the consequent moisture of the earth are believed to be factors in the trouble on both roads.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for

printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas