Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 2, 1907
Some Results Obtained by a West-
side Citizen.

       The existence of the boll weevil or the declining price of cotton does not affect J. B. Butts of the Pleasant Grove community.
       Mr. Butts has learned the lesson of experience.  Until a few years ago he was a grower of cotton.  One year he had to sell his work mules to pay the expenses not tring to make a cotton crop.  That was enough for him.  He said good bye to cotton once and for all.
       He turned his attention to the raising of something to eat--for people must and will eat and they must and will have feed for their stock.  While others planted cotton and mortgages, he planted potatoees and hogs.  His harvest has been abundant.  In a few years he has he has paid for a fine farm, several hundred head of hogs, a nice lot of cattle, horses and mules, has money in the bank and taking life easy.
       This year Mr. Butts will make $50 per acre above expenses, on the land in cultiuation (sic) on his farm.  There is not a man in Texas that will do as well with cotton.  He planted 18 acres in Irish potatoes which yielded 60 to 70 bushels per acre, a very light crop, which he sold for $825.  He then planted Spanish peanuts on some of this same land and will make several hundred dollars out of them.
       He planted sweet potatoes on some other land, which yielded 85 bushels to the acre, also a light crop.  But the price is good and he will easily clear $50 an acre on them.
       Besides this, he sold $1,315 worth of hogs and has on hand $2,000 worth yet.  Of course he did not raise all these hogs this year, but he has been raising, buying and selling.
       His net profits from his truck farm and from his hog farm will be close around $2,500 this year.
       He once had an idea of going west, but after learning some more about Falls county, by practical experience, he has decided that he will manage to stay here awhile longer.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas