Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 51
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, November 16, 1907
To Hang for Murder.

       Hopewell Cape, N. B., Nov. 14.--The end of one of the most noted murder cases that has excited this section in recent years will come tomorrow with the execution of Thomas F. Collins for the murder of Mary Ann McAuley.  The crime was committed a year ago last August.  At that time Collins, of whose personal history little has been learned, appeared in New Ireland and was given employment by Father McAuley, a Catholic priest, for whom Miss McAuley was housekeeper.  One day during the absence of the priest at another mission station, the woman was struck down by some person and killed with an ax.  Collins disappeared, and when arrested several days later was making his way toward the Maine border.  There were three trials of the case.  Collins was convicted on the first trial, but on appeal secured a new trial, which resulted in a disagreement.  The third trial took place last September and resulted in a verdict of guilty and a setence (sic) of death.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas