Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 28
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, August 28, 1907
Arlington Play House, Open on
September 14.

       The following is a partial list of the attractions that will appear at the Arlington opera house during the coming theatrical season.  The house will oepn Saturday night, September 14 with "No Mother to Guide Her."

Sis in New York.
Under Southern Skies.
Dora Ashton.
What Women Will Do.
A Girl of the Street.
Dandy Dixie Minstrels.
Sweetest Girl in Dixie.
Empire Comedy Co.
Patty Felix.
Payton Sistrs in Repertoire.
Billie Kersands.
A Bell Boy.
Thos. Jefferson in "Rip Van Winkle.
The Clansman.
Jane Corcoran in "Ibsen Doll House."
Melbourne McDowell, supported by Virginia Drw Trescott.
James O'Neill in Virginius.
Are You a Mason?
Chicago Tramps.
Chas. B. Hanford in "Antony and Cleopatra."
Two Merry Tramps.
Black Patti.
W.A.Whitcar in "An Old Sweetheart of Mine."
Helen Byron, supported by an excellent company in "Peggy from Paris."
Barlow & Wilson Minstrels.
Human Hearts.
W. S. Patton.
In Louisiana.
Ma's New Husband.
Uncle Josh Spruceby.
Hans Hanson.
Sheldon Comedians.
Black Crook, Jr.
Paul Gilmore in the new semi-western automobile romance,
"The Wheel of Love."
We were Friends.
Florence Gear, in the Musical College Girl's play, "Cupid at Vassar."
The Walls of Jericho.
Creston Clarke in the great American play, "The Power that Governs."
Al H. Wilson in "Metthe Alps."
Nobody's Claim.
Telegraph Station 21.
Jerry from Kerry.
Whitman's Comedians in repertoire.
Albert Taylor Stock Co. in repertoire.
A Cowboy's Girl.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas