Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 2, 1907
Southbound I. & G. N. Wrecked.

       Austin, Texas, Sept 28.--The southbound I. & G. N. passenger train No. 9 due here at 4:05 this afternoon, was wrecked six miles north of here this afternoon.  Fortunately only one passenger was injured, that being J. B. Clark of Chicago, who had his back badly sprained, though not seriously.  The train was in charge of Conductor Evans, and all cars left the track except a sleeper.  Engineer John Smith remained at his post, but the fireman jumped and received slight injuries.  The train was crowded, one of day coaches being filled with negroes returning from the cotton patch and it was a miracle that there no fatalities.
       Some of the cars were somewhat damaged.  The exact cause of the wreck is not known.  Some of the passengers, however, declare that defective trucks on the coal tender caused the wreck.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas