Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 52
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 20, 1907

       From a commercial standpoint Marlin ranks among the best and most prosperous cities in the state, backed by more well-to-do and substantial farmers and stockmen than any other in a single county, of the same population.
       Marlin city council has contributed much energy toward improving the general conditions of streets and providing adequate water facilities for the city.  The county commissioners have been very active in having all the public roads leading to Marlin properly gravelled where practical.  Since Marlin has become a health resort the number of hotels and boarding houses has been increasing all the time, which affords a ready market for what the farmers in the surrounding country raise--chickens, eggs, butter, vegetables, etc.  Of course that Marlin has eventually become a popular health resort cannot be denied from the fact that the farmers, as well as merchants, have already derived much from the transient trade.  For this very purpose the county commissioners, with the co-operation of the Marlin Business League, have accomplished much toward improving the public roads, thus making Marlin a fine trading post.


       The rumors that lame, the blind, the afflicted, the invalids come in and depart from Marlin well and strong, discarding their crutches, invalid's chairs, stretchers, and all other means of artificial locomotion, have brought the most skeptical to Marlin, and after testing the wonderful curative properities of the hot water become firm believers, advocating Marlin as the leading health resort of America, where visitors are greeted by genial hospitality of the inhabitants.  Only this is one of the numerous evidences of facts concerning the benefits from the Marlin hot water.


       Marlin has hotels whose modern conveniences and structures cannot be excelled by any other in cities of over 20,000 souls.  The Marlin market, which furnishes every item of the menu is equal to any city of 50,000 and nothing is wanting.  Marlin also has fine sanitariums and an opera house which are hard to be excelled in architecture and comfort anywhere.  There are some prospects for an army and naval hospital and federal building here from the fact that a bill is pending for consideration before congress for the same.


       During the past six or seven months the Marlin Business League has contributed much to the advertising of the Marlin hot water, and evidences of reunumeration for their efforts during the summer months have been ample.  The fame of Marlin and her hot water have reached far and wide since the last season.  All the visitors who sojourned in Marlin during that period have carried with them the proudest memories of Marlin and her surroundings--music of all kinds, dancing at the pavilion, moving picture shows, and all other forms of amusements--and especially the wonderful cures wrought by the hot water.  Such is advertising Marlin, of course.  This does not confine to a single local section where an ex-Marlin visitor resides, but in nearly all directions in the United States, British Columbia, Canada and even Europe.  Therefore the efforts of the Marlin Business League were not in vain.  Judging the future by the past, the next season will be much more successful as a result of the efforts of the league last season.  That the hotels and boarding houses are now being generally overhauled, enlarged and repairs in anticipation of a busy season are strong indications for a good year next.  On the other hand, early in the spring a number of league baseball teams will train in Marlin.  This will start the ball rolling for next season.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas