Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 17
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 20, 1907
Wednesday Social Club.

       The doors of the hospitable of Mrs. Mollie Bartlett were standing wide open on June 12th to welcome the club members who responded to roll call to the number of sixteen.
       The business session consumed more time than usual and one thing mentioned, that was heard with regret, was that on Monday evening shortly after the crowd had gathered at the park, some boys were seen to deliberately pour all the water from the barrel.  Now we knew that we had some pretty tough boys in Mar(l)in, but hardly thought they could find any pleasure in a rudeness like the one just cited.
       After several interesting games the hostess, assisted by Misses Marian Peyton and Madeline Robertson, served delicious refreshments.
       The visitors were Mesdames Markham, Beaumont; Westbrook, Lorena; Branson, Finks, Billingsley, Earle Smith; Misses Sparks, Waco; Marian Peyton, Robertson.
       The next meeting will be with Mrs. Heffner at 4:30.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas