Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 39
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 5, 1907

The State of Texas, County of Falls.
       By virtue of an Execution, issued out of the Honorable County Court of Falls county on 20th day of September A.D. 1907, by the clerk thereof, in the case of Rice & Bartlett and Z. I. Harlan versus R. B. Black, Jr., R. C. Shaw, Henry Warren, E. A. Anderson, R. B. Black and Calvin Reeves, No. 1549, and to me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell for cash, within the hours prescribed by law for Sheriff's Sales, on the First Tuesday in November A. D. 1907, it being the 5th day of said month, before the court house door of said Falls county, in the city of Marlin, Texas, the following described property to wit: All of those lots and parcels of land in Falls county, Texas and out of B. H. Rice addition to the town of Marlin and being lots No. 6 and the east half of lot No. 5,  in block No. 2 of said B. H. Rice addition as shown by map thereof ,made by R. S. Hunnicutt and of records in the deed records of Falls county, Texas, fronting 150 feet on Coleman street and running back 170 feet to Rice street and said lots more fully described in deed of conveyance from B. H. Rice to R. B. Black, Jr. as appears of record in Vol. 15, page 132 of Falls county record of deeds, levied on as the property of said R. B. Black Jr. to satisfy a judgment amounting to $235.66 with 10 per cent in favor of Rice & Bartlett and Z. I. Harlan and costs of suit.
       Given under my hand, this 21st (dim) day of September A.D. 1907.
37 s 4t                                                          M. J. Poole,


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas