Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 39
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 5, 1907
Dismissed For Two Days Account
Shortage of Teachers.

       The dengue fever wins a temporary victory over the Marlin public schools.  Supt. Doughty was confronted with an absence of five teachers Thursday morning and as there were no substitutes available, there was nothing else to do except to capitulate.  The school was dismissed until Monday.
       The schools have been hampered in more ways than one.  The threatened destruction of the building upset things for two days, the diphtheria scare came along and caused a decreased attendance and general excitement for several days.  About the time this excitement began to allay, the dengue fever appeared on the scene and attacked the teachers with its accustomed vigor and the result is there's no school for two days.
       The teachers are not seriously ill but they have the genuine article and those who haave had it know that a teacher is incapable of any work while he has it.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas