Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 10
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 2, 1907

Salaries of Rural Mail Carriers.

       Washington, April 29.--Postmaster General Meyer approved the detailed adjustment of salaries of rural free delivery carriers as submitted by Assistant Postmaster DeGraw.  The new schedule, which will become effective July 1, next, will make a graded increase in the compensation of carrier or from 9 to 25 per cent, based upon the number of miles traversed.  The readjustment adopted, with the increase of upwards of $6,000,000 made in the appropriation by congress, will involve an aggregate expenditure of rural service during the next fiscal year of nearly $85,000,000.
       The schedule follows:
       Routes of 24 or more miles, $900 per annum;22 to 24, $864; 20 to 22, $810; 18 to 20, $720; 16 to 18, $630;14 to 16, $540; 12 to 14, $504; 8 to 10, $430; 6 to 8, $396.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas