Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 36
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 25, 1907
Riesel Has a Shooting Affray.

       The refusal of a negress to repay borrowed money, and the "cussing out," she gave the lender, by whom the demand was made, was the cause which led up to a shooting in Riesel Saturday night, in which the woman was dangerously wounded and a negro man who was in her company was painfully though not seriously injured.
       The man, who did the shooting, is known as Bill Reed, and when the woman refused to pay the money back he went off, and as it developed a little later, secured a double barrelled (sic) shotgun.  The woman, Lavinia Ross, escorted by another coon, John Harrison, shortly came along and when about forty or fifty yards away Reed proceeded to crack down, one charge striking the woman, scattering from her chin downward, and the other shot caught her escort in the middle rear as he was making an effort to put distance between himself and the warlike son of Ham who was bent upon perforating his anatomy.  That they escaped instant death is ascribed to the fact that the shot was small.
       The Reed negro was consigned to the Waco jail.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas