Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell




Eighteenth Year - Number 7

Marlin, Texas, Thursday,  April 11, 1907




Pair of Mules Killed....Barn Unroof-

ed and Wire Down.


    A $450.00 span of mules, owned by A. L. Branson, was killed by lightning Thursday afternoon at the Marlin pressed brickworks, south of town. No other serious damage at that point resulted from the shock.

    A barn, owned by Joe Peters, northeast of town was unroofed and his buggy demolished.

    A number of other outhouses were damaged and several trees were uprooted or broken off.

    One of the wires of the electric light plant was knocked down and that line disabled for awhile.

    The flashes of lightning were particularly fierce and kept the more nervous in a satte (sic) of apprehension for some time.

    A good rain fell and it was accompanied by some hail but not enough to do damage.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.