Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 39
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 05, 1907
News Notes From The Public Schools.

       The total number of white pupils enrolled thus far is 506.  However, the number in attendance is much less on account of dengue and the diphtheria scare.
       The Senior class became an organized body on last Friday afternoon with Willis Dunkum elected President and Mabel Branson, secretary.
       On account of illness, Miss Ziveley has been unable to meet her classes for several days.  Her place has been filled on different days by Miss Annie Dewberry and Ruth Allen.
       Mr. Boles and Miss Sanders were dengue patients the last week.
       Since the installing of the Public Library books and the arrival of many new ones from funds derived from the school concert of last May, the school has assumed handsome proportions.  The books are stored in thirty-six sections and with neat library furniture, make one of the largest and most attractive libraries of the city.
       Pupils and teachers alike are realizing the need of a school auditorium.  It is hoped that before long the pupils or school management will see its way clear to add an auditorium in keeping with our handsome building.
       Of our new teachers, Miss Sanders and Mr. Boles are members of the O. E. Curry household and Miss Harris and Mr. Curling are with Mrs. Mary Robinson for this session.
       On last Friday afternoon Dr. A. O. Browne of Texarkana, leader of last week's Presbyterian Institute, entertained the High School and seventh grade pupils with the most interesting talk on "Success."  The lecture, an uplifting one with just enough humor to please everybody, won for Dr. Browne not only the attention but the hearts of his hearers.
       Miss Bell, teacher of Domestic Science in the Industrial School at Denton, was a pleasant visitor to the High School last Friday.  Miss Bell is well remembered by many of the pupils whom she taught several years ago.
       Misses Pauline Allen and Helen Gill and Dr. Smith of Waco were late visitors to the school.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas