Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 14
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 30, 1907
The New Majestic.

       The new 33 room hotel, The Majestic, built by T. A. Cheeves and Dr. J. W. Torbett, is being opened and is a very creditable addition to Marlin's hotel facilities.
       The Majestic is under the management of C. C. Chatham whose experience in this line of business has been extensive.  Mr. Chatham took pleasure in showing the newspaper man through this elegantly appointed hotel.  It has three stories, with parlors, office, dining rooms, most of which are in suites, on the second and third.  Each room is provided with a telephone, connecting with a switch board in the office.  This is one of the few hotels in Texas that have these conveniences in every room.
       A private dining room is a feature of this hotel.  This will be a great convenience to ladies and families.
       The hotel has additional grounds upon which extensions can be made as demands of business justify.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas