Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 44
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 23, 1907
Famous Case in Courts of New York
Next Week.

       Goshen, New York, Oct. 19.--The trial of Charles Henry Rogers for murder will begin here Monday.  Rogers is charged with having murdered F. R. Olney, W. C. Olney and Alice Ingerick at a farm near Middletown on Oct. 6, 1905.  After a search of a year and a half Pinkerton detectives found Rogers in Los Angeles and he was arrested April 9 last.  During the trip across the continent Rogers is said to have confessed this crime in all details to Sheriff A. L. Decker.
       Fred Olney and his brother, Willis, were old and respected farmers.  Mrs. Ingerick was their houpekeeper (sic).  On the morning of the murders Fred Olney took the oldest daughter of Mrs. Interick (spelling is different here-lsc) to Pilgrim's Corners.  He left the girl with a friend to come on foot in the afternoon.  She returned with the friend and found the house locked. Becoming frightened she went to the of a neighbor, Dan Davis.
       Davis broke into the house and at the foot of the stairs he found the younger Ingerick girl, 9 years old with her skull crushed.  Davis summoned the Middletown police by telephone.  The police arrived and examined the premises.  In Willis Olney's room they found a leather trunk opened and the money and valuables gone.  In the cellar was found a length of gas pipe wrapped in a bloody newspaper.
       In a stall in the barn Mrs. Ingerick was found moaning under a pile of hay.  She had evidently been hit over the head with the piece of gas pipe.  It was not until the next morning that the bodies of the Olney brothers were found.  The barking of a pet dog in a clump of bushes near the (missing) led the officials to the spot.  Fred Olney had four bullets in his body and Willis two.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas