Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 35
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, September 21, 1907
Mining Coal At Calvert.

       Calvert, Texas, September 17,--The Brown coal mines, located within a few miles of this city, which are being operated and managed by the Southwestern Fuel and Manufacturing company, with headquarters at Fort Worth, are now getting out the coal at a rapid rate of eighty tons per day.  The contracts for coal are being made and the output of the mine is increasing.  The company is securing more labor for the work of the mines and constantly enlarging its business.
       The company has been furnish(ing) coal to Navasota, Bryan, Marlin and Somerville and there is much demand for it, and just as soon as as soon (sic) sufficient labor can be procured it will be an undertaking of great importance, the possiblities of which it is difficult to estimate.  Mr. Mayer, the energetic superintendent and manager, is pushing it with much activity and the enterprise is steadily moving forward.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas