Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell






Eighteenth Year - Number 57

Marlin, Texas, Saturday, December 7, 1907





    The musical club met with Mrs. A. O. Bowdon Wednesday afternoon, the hostess entertaining at the of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Finks.


    An unusually large attendance was present and all were enthusiastic in the work of the afternoon.


    The Grieg musicale for New Year's was discussed at some length and plans were found progressing.


    Copies of the new constitution were distributed to the members.


    The lesson on American patriotic music was leady by Miss Clarkson and was a very fine one.


    An interesting paper on Afro-American folk song was a number on the program that commanded much attention.


    Other members were a vocal solo by Mrs. C. A. Altorf; duet by Misses Mildred Frank and Rosalis Battle; instrumental solo by Mrs. A. O. Bowdon, in Russian, French, Austrian and American; and a paper by Miss Somervell – Note: Should read Mrs. C. A. Oltorf


    The hostess served a lovely oyster course with accessories and chocolate and candy.


    Guests were Mrs. Spivey, Misses Haines, Sparks, Grider, Mrs. Spencer of Marshall and Westbrook of Lorena.


    The next meeting will be with Mrs. B. C. Nettles at which the question, "Resolved, That matrimony crushes the musical aspirations of women," will be debated by chosen orators from among the club members.  It is expected that this debate will be highly interesting.




Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by

The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas