Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 31
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, September 7, 1907
       All is Ready for the Opening Next

          The Marlin public schools will open Monday, the 9th day of September, and will continue nine months.  The building has been put in first-class condition, the floors and walls washed and scoured, and plenty of good water provided.


       No changes in text books will be made, and all the books needed have been ordered and are on sale at the Allen City Drug Store, the Smith Drug Co., having closed out their book business to the above company.


       Mr. E. W. Curling, Mathematics.
       Miss Mildred Frank, History.
       Mr. C.E. Boles, Latin.
       Miss Minnie Sanders, English.
       Mr. Denton Ledford, Manual Training.


       Miss Jeffie Pringle, sixth grade.
       Miss Una Elam, fifth and sixth grade.
       Miss Mary Harris, fifth grade.
       Miss Bessie Foster, fourth grade.
       Miss Agnes Peyton, fourth grade.
       Miss Lola Hunnicutt, third grade.
       Miss Bertha Hutchins, high second grade.
       Miss Madeline Bartlett, low second grade.
       Miss Permelia Zivley, high grade.
       Miss Drusha Torbertt, low first.

       We begin work this year with six new teachers, but not inexperienced ones.  All are well qualified for the work they are to undertake, and it is believed that with the hearty co-operation of the patrons they will prove eminently successful.
       Mr. C. E. Boles, B.A., who will have charge of the Latin work, is a graduate of Bethel College, Ky.., having made a special study of the languages.  He is proficient in Greek, Latin and German, and has had successful experience.  He comes well endorsed from his school work and by those who are prepared to speak of his work from observation.
       Miss Minnie Sanders, B.A., Baylor University, will teach English in the High school.  She has had an ample experience and is strongly endorsed by her teachers and those for whom she has taught.
       Mr. Denton Ledford, the new director of manual training, has had three years of training in the Northern Illinois Training School, and is in every way capable of putting life an enthusiasm into his work.  He is 24 years old, is a practical workman and knows the educative value of manual training.
       Misses Pringle and Elam, who will teach in the grades, are well known to the people of Marlin, and are known to be teachers of recognized ability.
       Miss Mary Harris, who will also teach one of the grades, has had four years experience in the Robinson public school, and is well qualitifed for her work.  Her record is good and her former work is highly recommended.


       Children of the city who wee not under seven or over seventeen on the first day of September, 1907, will be admitted free.  Children six years old may enter as pay pupils; provided that they enter during the first two weeks of the term.


       Our school should be the pride of every citizen, for it is an institution established by the people.  Every-child sent sway (sic) to school before graduation has its influence on others and the general interest is decreased just that much.  The higher institutions of learning are complaining that we do not make our course of study stronger, so that pupils can enter without conditions or examination.  It is the desire of the Board of Trustees and Superintendent to have our High school placed in the first class, and we can do this best with the hearty-support of the patrons.  Give us your children and your support, and we can demand credit for our work and get it.


       Sometimes boys and girls desire to quit school and go to work.
Parents often think that this is especially promising in their boy because he wants to go to work young.  Authorities never consider this a sign of strength, but say that it indicates arrested development.  Carefully preserved records show that scarely one boy in fifty who desires to leave school in the sixth and seventh grades, if allowed to do so, will ever amount to anything.  It is not the fact that he does not have the education of other boys that he does not succeed, but that he does not have the purpose to get ready for the doing of things.  In a case of this kind the parent should come in for his share of the responsibility and keep the child in school until he takes another start to develop, then the boy will take care of himself.  Every individual needs, and is entitled to, a good high school education.
                                               W. A. Doughty,


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas