Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 32
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 11, 1907
Doing a Land Office Business.

       D. J. Barnes has sold his ranch property west of town to Mr. Christie.  Mr. Barnes is in the real estate business in this place and does not have time to give to his ranch.  Mr. Christie will move to his new to be convenient to our school.--Garden City Gazette.

       We are not surprised that Joe is doing a rushing business, since we notice that he is carrying a full page "ad" in the Gazette.  And it only cost Joe 40 cents to learn the value of advertising.  When he decided to shake from his feet the dust of old Falls, the best county in Texas and a mighty good friend of Joe's, he tried for a month to find some one to purchase his household effects, cows, horses, hogs, etc.  But nary a prospective purchaser did he find.  The Democrat prevailed upon him to try a 40-cent "ad," which he did, and afterward told the editor that he had to stand in front of his house with a club to keep off the people who insisted on seeing his goods while the man he had sold them to, in 30 minutes after the paper was out, was gone after help to move them.  Joe got his experience cheap and we are pleased to know that it is netting him such handsome returns.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas