Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 52
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 20, 1907
Swinging Around the Circle Meet-
ing Old and New Friends.

       Hon. Robert Lee Henry, M. C., from this district, dropped into Marlin Sunday night from his in Waco and is meeting old friends and new ones, too, in Marlin and Falls county.
       Mr. Henry Will leave soon for Washington City to resume his seat in congress as the representative of the best district of the best state in the American Union.  He is in fine trim for the duties of the coming session will continue to be an important figure in the lower house of congress.  He is now the chairman of the house democratic caucus, which position he has filled most acceptably to the democrats in congress and the nation.
       He will not be a candidate for the minority leadership.  He has been strongly solicited by the democratic members and by leading democrats of the country to permit the use of his name but he has declined all such entreaties.
       Mr. Henry is a candidate for re-election and thus far his only avowed opponent is W. W. Hair of Temple, who was here recently.  The memorable contest of 1902 is still fresh in the minds of Falls county people.  This county decided the contest in behalf of Mr. Henry by a handsome majority after a bitter fight made upon him.  He does not appear to have lost any of his friends; on the other hand, has apparently gained some since that celebrated contest.
       He does not regard his fences out of repair at all but is just mixing around some before going to Washington.  It cannot be denied that he has a faithful representative of his district and it is therefore no surprise that he is still strong with the voters.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas