Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 50
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 13, 1907
Union Members Say 15 Cents is
the Motto.

       The farmers union of Falls county is standing firm on the fifteen cent proposition.  They say it is 15 cents a pound or nothing with them.  A number of meetings have been held within the last week and resolutions adopted setting forth that the members will stand to the demand and that the price must be 15 cents before they sell.

       Reagan union, No. 4279, has adopted the following resolutions which is expresive (sic) of the sentiments of the union members of the county:

Resolutions Adopted.

To The Democrat:
We, the Reagan Local Union (4279) do hereby bind ourselves to hold our cotton for 15 cents, the minimum price set by the National Union.  We want 15 cents to be our "watch word" and stand by it and not turn loose for less.
       For we, as a Union, realize that this is the time for us to stand firm and have that courage and fidelity that should be in all union people, that are "true blues."
       We also ask all non-union people of this county, that are holding their cotton to stand with us in this great battle for a just recompense for our labor.
       Our warehouse is fast filling up and when full, and the key is turned, let it be written in "box car" letters across the front of our warehouse that 15 cents is the only key that will unlock the door.
       Let our cotton go direct   to the spinner.  Respectfully.
                                                            W. B. DeWalt,
                                                            J. W. Kirkpatrick,
                                                            Z. A. Burke,


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas