Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 32
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 14, 1907
Expresses His Gratitude.

To The Democrat:
I was here during the civil war more than forty years ago.  I was here again more than twenty years ago.  Of both those occasions memory has kept only the name, Marlin.  All else is a complete blank.  But of my recent visit the scenes, circumstances and personages can never be forgotten.
       I can never forget the doctor, and his kindness, who, on learning that I was an old soldier and a preacher, gave me a free pass and right of way in his sanitarium.  I will ever remember the strong, muscular colored waiters who gave me such faithful service.
       I never can forget the salting down I received every other day and the rubbing and pounding---the hot liniment and hot towels and electric treatment, the blue blazes that appeared to come out at the end of the broomstick.  But in this case you cannot believe your own eyes.  These and other things too numerous to mention made impressions as lasting as life itself.
       I failed to find the fabled fountain in which it was said the old could wash and be young again, but I did find great relief and improvement from a long standing and obdurate case of rheumatism.
       But from me no commendation is needed.  Walking advertisements, bordering the miraculous, are all over the country.
       I attended worship in all the churches, including the Catholic; shared in communion service at the Christian church; preached twice and tried to emphasize the Scriptural doctrine, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord."                  C. R. Sheppard.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas