Typed as spelled and written

by Lena Stone Criswell






Eighteenth Year - Number 58

Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 11, 1907




Says Marlin Great Place--Needs

Another Well.


    Hon. Phil Allen, mayor of Cleburne, is in the city, a guest at the Arlington.  In conversation with the Democrat reporter he had this to say:


    "My friend, Albert Levy, has often invited me over to take a course of your famous baths, but have never had the opportunity before, having a few days from my official duties I decided to come over for awhile; had no idea of remaining any length of time, but the baths and the cordial treatment I have received has prompted me and I 'phoned Mrs. Alen (sic) to come over, and I do not know how long I may remain here, for I am delighted.


    "You have a pretty little town here and as a health resport, it should become famous, but you all will have to get busy.  Another well is the thing you need.  Why don't you sell enough bonds to dig one?  Material interest at the present time to advance your town in every way.  It is not proper for me to hint as to how and what  your people should do, but as there is no question of the wonderful powers of your water and Marlin's being a small part of Texas, I would like to see it become a larger place.  We have a fine little city and it is steadily improving.  Conditions around in our part are generally good."


    Mr. Allen is a middle-aged gentleman, pleasant in conversation, and believes in hustling for your town.  This is his first term as mayor, he having succeeded, after a hard fight, a prominent gentleman in the office.




Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.