Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 18
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 27, 1907
Has Anyone Lost a Bone Like This?

       Eddy, Texas, June 20, 1907.
To the Democrat:
       Will you please allow space in your paper to describe a large bone which was found last Sunday.
       The bone measures about 45 inches in length and about ten inches in diameter at one end and about eight inches at the other.  It was discovered on Fritz Froshe's farm; his farm is partly in Falls and partly in Bell counties.  The bone was found in the part in Bell county, about a hundred yards from the county line and about six miles from the western corner of Falls county, near the Blevins and Temple road, two and a half miles from Blevins.
       It was found in the bottom of a little branch about 6 or 8 feet deep where it had been washed out of yellow clay by the late rains.  It is believed that the whole skeleton is buried in the clay and pieces of other bones were found.  In taking the large bone up which was partly washed out and with the ends in the clay it was broken to pieces.  All except the ends, which were buried in the clay, were left at Fritz Frosche's residence.
                                                  Yours, truly,
                                                           E. T. Barth.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas